
Réparez l’erreur de votre 2ndsrch.dll

En raison de problèmes de sécurité, ce fichier n’est pas disponible en téléchargement. Nous fournissons uniquement des informations sur la façon de résoudre le problème de DLL spécifique.

Réparez l’erreur de votre 2ndsrch.dll

This file has been reported to be part of a spyware/malware/trojan. It is likely that the problem you are experiencing is linked directly to the spyware/malware/trojan rather than an actual missing DLL-file and the recommended course of action is to first locate/remove the Malware. We do not recommend downloading this file. Support says:

Part of the "2nd Thought Virus"

A possible manual solution for you 'handyman-fixers' out there:

Removal instructions involves making changes to your Windows Registry. Making the wrong changes can cripple your computer, so do this at your own risk.

Second Thought is a web browser toolbar that will launch advertisements while you browse the web. Second Thought may monitor your Internet behavior and report this information to its controlling servers. Second Thought may also automatically update itself, and during these updates third party software may be installed.

SecondThought Removal Instructions

First, end the 'stcloader.exe' process from the Task Manager (Ctrl-SHIFT-Esc). Also remove these files (if present) with Windows Explorer: stcloader.exe, Adware.SecondThought, BKDR_RULEDOR.E, Second Thought, SecondThought, Trojan.Win32.SecondThought, Trojan.Win32.SecondThought.a, Trojan.Win32.SecondThought.c, Win32/SecondThought.G.

Open the registry (Start->Run->regedit) and delete the following keys and values: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\adstartup HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\bokja HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\sqinstaller HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\stcloader

Now, before you delete it, the DLL file must be deregistered. Open a DOS command prompt window (from Start->Programs->Accessories). Enter the following commands in the DOS window: cd "%WinDir%\System" regsvr32 /u [insert .dll name here]

2ndsrch.dll a_clearsearch.dll cdsm32.dll csaolinst.dll csbiinst.dll csie.dll csieinst.dll idleui.dll spextdll.dll swrt01.dll swin32.dll voiceip.dll

Each file is in several locations so you'll need to search for them and unregister + delete them in every location you find. Tip: this is only a list of known files/locations. You will want to do a search by the name of the file to see if they're on your system.

Having successfully done this you should be able to delete the entire 'Second Thought' folder in Program Files.

Good luck!

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