
Réparez l’erreur de votre t8extex.dll

En raison de problèmes de sécurité, ce fichier n’est pas disponible en téléchargement. Nous fournissons uniquement des informations sur la façon de résoudre le problème de DLL spécifique.

Réparez l’erreur de votre t8extex.dll

[2015-02-23 : support says:]

We believe this file is a part of a malware blocked by your security software.

It seems to belong to a toolbar of some sort.

Try starting Internet Explorer without extensions, and remove any new/suspicious extensions. Then try starting normally again. In Windows 7, to run your Internet Explorer in the no add-ons mode, Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

Quick method: press Start key+R to bring up the RUN prompt. Run the following command: iexplore.exe -extoff

A search indicates that t8ExtEx.dll belongs to the FunWeb/MyWebSearch family of potentially unwanted programs.

Go to Control Panel> Add or remove programs and uninstall any of these that are listed: Mywebsearch Bar - Smiley Central - My Way Speedbar - Search Assistant Mywebsearch - Fun Web Products - Fun Web Products Easy Installer - Weatherbug Companion - maps galaxy toolbar - mind spark -

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